The final piece of your success puzzle is to develop your skills. Your success puzzle is made up of 3 pieces: passion, Market demand, and relevant skills. Your passion is the fuel; market demand is the path that needs to be understood; your skills are the vehicle that will get you to your destination. For me, the destination is to add value to others by using your God-given gifts. It’s up to you to use this gift and turn it into a skill.
Related: The One Trait That Connects All Successful Entrepreneurs.
Your vehicle needs to be well-equipped in order to reach its destination. The three pieces got to be mingled together; no one piece can solely make success.
Related: How To Find The Missing Piece To Your Success Puzzle?
Building on this analogy, even two pieces are not enough. Vehicle with the right path but without fuel is “death in life and life in death.” Those are the ones with marketable skills; working in high paying jobs but their passion is elsewhere. Next, fuel with the right vehicle but without knowing the path is the “Poorhouse” archetype - no insights about market demand to make a living. Thirdly, fuel with path but without an equipped vehicle is a disabled entity. To make it properly, you need to repair the disable parts. That’s where skill comes in.
Upon joining General Electric in 1960 as a junior engineer, the young Jack Welch was aware of the myriad of problems that faced the US economy back then. He fought his way throughout these hard times until he became not only the best CEO in GE history but the CEO of the century.
To achieve the vision of GE, Welch worked on developing his skills. He honed his leadership skills. He believed that GE’s key asset is well-trained people. He got unnecessary bureaucratic work out of the system. He held forums in which employees and top management could work out fresh ways of dealing with each other.
Related: Why Adding Value is Your Life’s sole Mission?
Developing your skills is a must in today’s volatile economy. But in order for your skill to be of relevance, you need first to identify your passion area; then, study the market related to your passion and lastly build your skills that will ultimately add value to others.