Vision is selfish, Mission is not. I have reached this shocking realization the hard way through actual experience not through reading books or attending seminars. During a branding session with a founder of Food company, he interrupted me saying: “God won’t care about your vision and so are your customers; God cares about your mission: How can you serve people and make a difference in their lives through your products.” For me, that was epiphany.
To thrive in today’s knowledge-based economy, adding value should be at the forefront of business thinking. It is through delivering value to others that the meaning of your life is fulfilled. For the purpose of life is not basically to be happy but rather to bevaluable and useful. Happiness will come as a flowering and as a result of making a difference in others’ lives.
Related: How Life Experiences Can Help You Find Meaning?
The richest man in the world right now, the legendary Jeff Bezos, boils down his astounding success to a simple principle: the more value your business brings, the more customers you will easily get. Period. As founder of Amazon, his main focus wasn’t on the technology side but rather on the timeless, unchangeable core; that is, his customer’s quest for low prices, fast delivery and variety of items. No wonder Amazon’s yearly revenues exceed $100 billion a year.
Year after year Bezos was aware not to be caught up in worrying about managing costs, increasing profitability, or even communicating Amazon’s core values. The overarching goal of his is his undivided focus on serving his customers through adding value. This obsession was reflected when he said more than once that: “Customers want something better, and your desire to delight customers will drive you to invent on their behalf.”
To detect your mission in life, look for how you can better serve others through adding value to their lives. In the process, you will find out that God deliberately formed you to make your service unique and valuable. Only then your life’s meaning is understood.