We are bombarded every now and then with the idea of investment. We have been programmed that investment is deeply linked with concrete and tangible objects. In such uncertain and confusing times, we seek to invest in things we have no control over. The stock market pundits push you towards the investment in the stock market as the market is booming now. Others are directing you toward a long- term investment in gold as the value of paper money is losing ground. Others are hammering on your head with the once-in-a-lifetime investment in bitcoins – the digital money as the wave of the future. Such investments can safely be called: the outside-in investment as opposed to the one that is forgotten; That is, the inside-out investment.
The inside-out investment should precede the outside-in one. You need to start with laying the foundation first; investing the time in understanding and developing yourself then move on to understand which vehicle of investment suits you. The concept of investment is based on a single and simple premise: you spend money to make money. Spending money in things you didn’t take time in studying will turn the investment you are looking for to being an expense.
To be really efficient, you need to first work on yourself first. To be a conscious investor, three internal things you need to invest in before going to the outer investment.
Invest in your Mindset: your mind is designed to look into the future. It needs to be planted with good seeds in order to sow positive and uplifting thoughts. Develop a perspective of how you want your future to be; how to be the best version of yourself.
Invest in your Bodyset: your body needs to be healthier through a daily routine. Being a conscious investor, you need to ask yourself: are my daily habits coincide with the person I aspire to be? Your body needs to be in harmony with the aspiring thoughts of the mind. If the mind is looking for a better tomorrow, your consciousness needs to push you towards checking your daily routine.
Invest in your Heartset: here we come to the compass, the inner voice, and the insights that come to you in a flash and tell you the direction. No success and fulfillment is available when you ignore the voice that comes from within- the truest, inspiring voice ever. To invest in this area, you need to go deep into yourself and find out what you are passionate about, and more importantly, your uniqueness. Your mission of making a difference in people’s lives emanates from your heart.