The moment you make your life your own is when you believe that you are perfect and unique the way you are
The moment you make your life your own is when you believe that you are perfect and unique the way you are
Jun 13, 2019
in Personal Branding, EntrepreneurshipNo progress is possible without the self-taught learners. Many of the formal education drop-outs have learned, through life setbacks, that fulfilment is in adding value to others
Behind every success story, one common element needs to be sacrificed very early on. That element is: your willingness to pay the price for achieving success
Planning is important to reach your destination while plans are not. To survive in this volatile and disruptive landscape,
Your Commitment to excellence yields magical and unforgettable experiences for you customers. Those magical moments are the result of having the discipline to walk the talk.
Parallel to this hunger for being the best is not being afraid of trying and failing. Being authentic is synonymous with being a fool. You just don’t care for “looking” foolish simply because you don’t know what is supposed to be impossible.